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1765 Autumn Baron Chapelle's Scouting Party

Leader : Me

Second: Jean-Michel

Edourd Chopin

Romauld Portier

Denis Chastel

I cannot say this scouting mission alone is just to track the beast. It is also to test the two most vocal lads about my Odette. Edourd and Denis. Both men have a strong physique and can read. Denis better read than Edourd naturally a testament to his rearing.

Both men seem to know their way around a fight and I personally can't wait to judge their reactions in the face of death. I do not wish harm to either, but I do wish to know the caliber of man I may be inviting to my dinner table during grand feast days. It is also important to know what type of man will sire my grandchildren. I will not abide weak willed or weak minded offspring to carry on the line of Chapelle.

I chose Jean-Michel as my second for this lad I have used prior to now as a messenger. He also is the only one of use that has gotten close to the creature and survived. Listening to his tales I find myself chilled to the bone, but once the chill passes I am steeled and reminded what I chose this path.

Jean-Michel has a home deep in the woods near Gévaudan. He was gathering wood for the fire when he heard his mother cry out. His father had been attacked deep in the woods. When he went after the creature that did it - he claims it stood upright like a man and faced him down. Armed only with his axe he charged forward only to be stopped by a sound that chilled him to the soul.

He claims that when he came to the creature was gone and his father was mortally wounded. By the time he returned home his father had died. The next day he went out again, but he found no tracks of the beast. It would seem the game had returned in full force.

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