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1765 Autumn

Our scouting party has mounted up and is preparing to head out into the forest on the morrow. My Odette has raised her concerns as well as my Antoinette, but I have assured them both that I shall not throw my life away. I simply need to know!

I have my sword and my daggers from prior adventures. While I was not a soldier for King Louis XV, I have collected some gifts from friends. Gifts that were only afforded to me thanks to the patience and mercy of my adoring Antoinette.

Armed with my sword and small pouch of medicinal reagents I shall return to the most precious thing in the world to family. My adoring family.

I have also brushed up on my hand to hand combat. Hehehe the young lads felt it best if I was able to hold my own in a fight. I showed them a thing or two I'm sure. That Denis Chastel was not so keen to swing at me. His words were, "It would be insulting to best my future father - in - law only to be reminded every holiday at dinner." One of the other lads...Jean-Michel I believe it was said, "Bruises and wounds heal even if pride doesn't. And father says time heals all." Even with that light goading the Chastel boy sat out the training.

Regardless going hand to hand with the beast is not likely to end well, but perhaps every sharpened edge will increase our survival...MY survival. Especially agains a beast known to devour with out pause.

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